Igor Maistrovsky delivering a presentation to university art students.

Igor Maistrovsky delivering a presentation to university art students.

Curriculum Vitae

  • 2004: Exhibits at the State Tretyakov Gallery Art show “Moscow Conceptual Posters of the 90s”, in Moscow, Russia.

  • 2003: Holds a one-man show ‘New paintings and graphic works ‘—Cultural Center of Rawdon, Canada.

  • 2001:Holds a one-man show “New paintings” Temple Emanuel- Bet Sholom, Montreal, Canada.

  • 2000: Holds a one-man show "New paintings and pastels by Igor Maistrovsky. "Walsh Gallery” Chicago, USA.

  • 1998-1999: Holds a one-man show "Paintings and pastels by Igor Maistrovsky" Walsh Gallery, Chicago, USA.

  • 1999: Holds a one-man show ‘Movie posters' in Tavira, Portugal.

  • 1997: Becomes a member of Safed Artist Colony and permanent exhibitor at the "General Exhibition" of the Colony, in Safed, Israel. Holds a solo exhibition at the Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum, at The Haifa University, Haifa, Israel.

  • 1995: Holds a one-man show of new graphic works, paintings, and posters at "Tsafon Gallery" Haifa, Israel.

  • 1995-1997: Moves to Safed, Israel, and opens "The Lipsky Gallery," where he curates and holds a permanent one-man show of graphic works and paintings.

  • 1994: Seven of his posters are selected and shown in the "100 Masterpieces of Movie Posters" exhibition in Moscow, Russia.

  • 1994: Moves to Israel and becomes a member of the "Union of Israeli Artists."

  • 1993: Is included in the 1994 edition of “Who is who in Graphic Design,” an international reference book of prominent contemporary graphic artists and illustrators.

  • 1992: Represents Russian graphic design at the symposium: "Graphic Design in Eastern Europe "held at The Hague, Holland; gives a lecture and holds workshops at the Art Academy of The Hague and shows twenty posters at the Academy exhibition. Holds a solo exhibition of graphic works and posters at "The Friendship House" in Jerusalem, Israel.

  • 1991: Receives an official invitation to become a contributing editor/consultant of "Design Journal" in Seoul. Korea. Exhibits eight posters at the "International Exhibition of Film Posters" in Chaumont. France; gives many lectures about Russian poster art.

  • 1990: Exhibits posters at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, Holland; some of them were selected for the permanent collection of the museum. Exhibits ten unpublished posters at the Fairleigh Dickson University Library, NG, USA.

  • 1990: Is welcomed by the Director-General of UNESCO Mr. Federico Mayor at the official presentation of the International Calendar: "People to People - Paper Units" in November 1990 at the UNESCO Building in Paris, where together with 14 other prominent artists he creates a panel for the UNESCO building in Paris, France.

  • 1989: Is represented by two posters at the UNESCO Exhibition "The Best 100 Posters of the World". Moscow, Russia. He is also commissioned by ICOGRADA (The International Council of Graphic Design Associations) to create, together with prestigious artists from 14 countries, the International Calendar: "People to People - Paper Units," a multi-cultural project of UNESCO and "Zanders" (West Germany.)

  • 1988: Is invited by the Berlin Union of Artists to perform a one-man show; exhibits 50 posters. Berlin, Germany.

  • 1987: Is elected as a member of the "Poster Council of Russia."

  • 1984-1994: Works as a supervisor at the publishing houses: "Medizina,” "Agitplakat" Reclamfilm," and "Circus.”

  • 1978: Becomes a member of the Union of Russian Artists.

  • 1976: Becomes a member of the International Union of Graphic Artists.

  • 1974-1994: Works with Moscow publishing houses in the fields of advertising poster and illustration for movies, theatres, circuses, magazines, and various exhibitions.

  • 1973: Graduates from Moscow University of Art and Design (formerly "Stroganovskoe”)
